Elasticsearch Cluster: How to Restore a snapshot
Hope you know how to create a snapshot and restore it on a single node elastic setup. It’s bit different when coming in to elastic cluster. I will briefly teach you that in this quick article.
In my scenario I will be creating a snapshot in a single node elastic setup and moving in to my another elastic cluster.
In order to use snapshot feature in a elastic cluster environment I must provide a folder which is shared among all the cluster nodes. Having a shared folder is the tough part in this exercise. So my plan is to share the folder and mount in to all the elastic servers.
What is an Elasticsearch Snapshot
Elasticsearch snapshot is a backup of an elastic index which can be used to restore data.
You can restore snapshots with different index names when you require creating lot of data for doing load tests.
Creating a snapshot
I will just skip this part as setup is same and only difference is how to make the rest call. So assume I have the snapshot files in the folder to be shared.
Setting up elastic cluster
Again I will not explain how to create a elastic cluster here. I expect you have a properly configured and running elastic cluster :)
My Setup
Centos 7
Elasticsearch 6.3.0
Setting up an elastic cluster for snapshots
I am working on a elastic cluster which is a three node cluster. As I mentioned earlier we must provide a shared folder to have snapshots. let’s now see how can we configure that.
Setting up the shared folder as an NFS server
The server where the snapshot is located must be shared, so others can access it.
Step 1: Install NFS-utils
yum -y install NFS-utils
Step 2: Edit exports file and add below line
vi /etc/exports
/esbackup *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
/esbackup is the folder I am trying to share
*- folder shared among all ip’s, can restrict if you require
Step 3: Reload the exports file
exportfs -a
Step 4: Set your folder permission
chmod -R 755 /esbackup/
Step 5: Make elasticsearch user as the owner of the folder
chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /esbackup
Step 6: Now start following services
systemctl enable rpcbind
systemctl enable nfs-server
systemctl enable nfs-lock
systemctl enable nfs-idmap
systemctl enable nfs-idmap
systemctl start rpcbind
systemctl start nfs-server
systemctl start nfs-lock
systemctl start nfs-idmap
systemctl restart nfs-server
Now our folder is ready for sharing.
Mounting shared folder on client server
Now we must mount the shared folder on all Elasticsearch nodes so that they can access the contains.
Step 7: Create a folder for esbackup in node1
mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/esbackup
Step 8: Install nfs-utils in client node
yum install nfs-utils
Step 8: Mount server folder at client
Mount aa.aa.aa.aa:/esbackup to /mnt/nfs/esbackup/
aa.aa.aa.aa is my server ip.
mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs/esbackup/
Step 9: Verify
cd /mnt/nfs/esbackup/
Now you should be able to access.
Step 10: Permanent NFS mounting
We have mounted folder temporarily, that is after you done a restart you must redo all these changes. so lets make this permanent.
vi /etc/fstab
add this to the end
aa.aa.aa.aa:/esbackup /mnt/nfs/esbackup/ nfs defaults 0 0
Step 11: repeat step 7 to 11 for all the nodes.
Config Elasticsearch cluster for snapshots
We have completed the tough part, now let’s continue adding shared folder to the elasticsearch cluster.
Step 12: Set path.repo
add below line to the end of the elasicsearch.yml file
path.repo: [“/mnt/nfs/esbackup/”]
Step 13: Restart elasticsearch
systemctl restart elasticsearch
Repeat step 12 & 13 for all nodes
Step 14: Add a snapshot repo to the es cluster
Add a repository to the Elasticsearch cluster. Open Kibana dev tools and add a snapshot repo as following. I have used the same repo name as my source indexes where I created my snapshots. My repo name is nuwan-backup
PUT /_snapshot/nuwan-backup
“type”: “fs”,
“settings”: {
“location”: “/esbackup/”
Step 15: View all snapshots
Now we should be able to see all snapshots if we run this
GET /_snapshot/nuwan-backup/snapshot_*
If we have configured all above steps successfully this step must show all the steps in the snapshot folder.
Restore the snapshot
Step 16: Restore snapshot
Let’s restore snapshot_transactions-2018.12.03 as transactions-2018.12.03
POST /_snapshot/nuwan-backup/snapshot_transactions-2018.12.03/_restore
“indices”: “transactions-2018.12.03”,
“ignore_unavailable”: true,
“include_global_state”: true
All done. if we check the index names through kibana UI, we should be able to see new index created with the name as “transactions-2018.12.03”